Thursday, February 26, 2009


Chris and I had been tossing back and forth the idea of eloping, it'd be quick, cheap, and who needs a party, it's already like we practically married.

-Don't worry this idea was shot down quickly.

So yesterday I called mom at about 9 a.m. I told her I wasn't feeling good and my boss said it'd be fine if I went home after lunch. Mom asked what didn't feel good and I told her-I'm light headed and dizzy, as well as being sick to my stomach. There was a long pause on the phone-

"Ash, come on that sounds like something you'd tell a school teacher to go home early."
"You're joking, right mom?"

I was VERY annoyed that she'd accuse me of doing something so stupid-I'm not five, I'm a big girl, I go to work, and I know when I'm sick enough to go home. I told her I'd talk to her later and hung up quickly and went back to work.

Next thing I know I have 2 missed calls and a very threatening voice mail from mom telling me I better call her back right now or else! **ohh I'm shaking in my boots mom!**

I call her back and this is how the convo goes.

Mom: I am going to ask you something, and I need you to be honest.

Ashley: (annoyed) What?

Mom: Are you pregnant?

Ashley: (yelling-at work) WHAT!?!?!?!?

Mom: (worried) just tell me, it's ok if you are, I won't be mad, I promise.

Ashley: ARE YOU INSANE?!?!?!?!?!

Mom: Well

Ashley: No do you understand what you're asking me? No! I'm not pregnant, if I am it'd be more of a surprise to me than to you!!!!!

Mom: Are you sure, you guys talked about eloping and today you don't feel good I thought maybe you were pregnant....

Ashley: NO NO NO NO NO I'm not pregnant!!!(still yelling I mind you).

Mom: Well...if you're not pregnant, maybe you should call your dad and let him know that.

Ashley: What? You called DAD AND TOLD HIM I WAS PREGNANT?!

Mom: Well I was really sure you were, and you were ignoring my calls and I wanted him to call and talk to you about it.

Ashley: How in the world did all of this happen in 5 minutes....UGH.

So then, after this insane-no I'm sorry, UNBELIEVABLE conversationg, I then had to call my dad and explain to him that I am in fact, NOT pregnant, mom has just lost her mind. That was probably one of the most awkward things I have ever had to tell my dad. Which is good, b/c unlike mom, dad explained he'd be livid if I was pregnant-and rightfully so.

So after this all happens I have to explain the story to the whole office since they heard only one half of it. I also reassured them that I was not pregnant. Then I e-mailed Michelle and Patty to tell them this. Patty-the good sister, keep her mouth shut and just laughed. Michelle on the other hand preceded to e-mail the whole Middlebrooks clan and explain them the story.

I almost feel like I should right Obama a letter and let him know too, I'm not pregnant, just in case mom happened to call him.

and in case you're wondering. When I don't feel good and ppl automatically ask me if I'm pregnant, it does not make me happy.


Sunday, February 22, 2009



There, now no one can say I didn't warn you.

So here is the story:

Thursday morning at about 7:30 am Chris took Lilly to the vet for her two surgeries. She was having a vertebra in her tail removed, b/c it was curled under and poking into her bum. This will make her life MUCH more comfortable and our life easier. We also made the decision to get her fixed. We were originally going to breed her, then decided not to, and since anesthesia is very tough for bullies we decided to do it all at once.

So by noon on Thursday I received a phone call from the vet saying Lilly did beautifully and was in recovery and that her blood work was fantastic! This made me a very very very happy mom.

Sad news: Lilly had to stay the night at the vet so she could be monitored =(. It was only like the 2nd or 3rd time Lilly would have been away from both of us! I know I sounds crazy and obsessive, I admit it, I am.

So Friday morning Chris went to pick Lilly up she was very excited to see him!!! The vet said there would be some bleeding from her incision and to keep her CALM. Well, Lilly is not a calm bully. She's excited by everything, and since we allow her to snuggle on the couches and bed, it would be tough to keep her off. Oh yeah, did I mention she is NOT crate trained well either? Fun.

So she had some bleeding and we let her sleep in the bed that night, which was a bad idea b/c she was jumping up and down which made her inscion from being fixed bleed. I called the vet Saturday morning for advice and was scoulded. I understand we need to keep her calm, but how? The vet told me if we do not the inscions will rip out and then will have to be redone. Yikes.

So we decided we would crate her for most of the day. It's a big crate and I put her dog bed in there. So she'll be okay.

Well Saturday night we realized b/c she lays down and lays right on her belly, she was irratating it and causing swelling from laying on it and bleeding when getting up b/c it would adhere to the ground/blankt/dog bed, whatever she was laying on.

So we called the emergency vet b/c it was about 6 pm. They work closely with out regular vet and we had taken Jeffrey there when he was dying so we trusted them. They said they did a complimentry check for post surgery patients so Chris and I rushed there.

Take note during all of this, Lilly wants to run, jump, and play. She is active and b/c she's on pain pills isn't really aware that anything is wrong.

So we went into the vet and she was just so excited to see people. The vet came in (she also owns bullies =)). And said that Dr. Peterson did a great job on Lilly's surgeries and she looks great! She took her in the back and drained fluid from the belly incscion and cleaned up the scabbing.

She gave us some at home care instructions of heat packing it about 4 times a day with a warm wash cloth, and that some benedryl should make her drowsy and less active.


The vet didn't even charge us for draining and cleaning. She said when a pet gets fixed there are 3 layers that get suchers, the abdomin, the fat layer, and then the skin layer gets a skin glue. That's what keeps coming undone and bleeding, her actual stiches are fine, THANK GOD.

The vet reglued the skin for us, some which has already peeled off and the swelling is back. She's doing good though today being very inactive thanks to the benedryl. She can take up to 2 (she's 40lbs and they can have one pill for every 25 lbs of weight so she's okay with 2) every 12 hours. We let her snuggle on the couch and is showing no intrest in moving =)

So that's that. She slept in her crate for the very first time ever in 2 1/2 years last night, she did okay, had to go potty about 8 times, and only cried for the first few minutes everytime she went back into her crate. She snored a lot though =)

She goes back in 14 days to have the stiches in her tail removed, which has been doing great! Below are some graphic pictures!

Here is Lilly's tum, this was Friday when I got home, it got MUCH worse by Saturday, but is doing better today.

Here is her bum. I blacked out her hoo haa and her bum hole. I don't feel doggy porn is appropriate, plus she's probably a little embarassed.

She was def. feeling good enough for pizza and snuggles

We put her crate in the living room during the day and in the bedroom at night. She is okay in it as long as she can see us.

Poor Lilly. Thanks for all the support. I hope I never have a child need surgery this is too stressful!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lilly =(

Just a quick update, she's safe and okay now. We took a trip to the emergency vet tonight but all is okay. I'll post the whole saga later with pictures.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comb on over...comb on over baby!

AH HA! I am able to load my pictures finally! Woot.

Since Christopher's hair is growing out, he discovered that it's at a great length for a comb over. I personally think he looks either like a nerdy 5 year old, or a creepy old man.


Wow! What a hottie!!

Also to be mentioned.....

Chris for Valentine's Day got a on the commercial. He modeled it for me.

Lilly approved...

In other news:

Today Lilly had her surgeries =(. She had a vertebra in her tail removed b/c it's been pressing into her bum since she was born =( so now it won't be irrated. Also she was fixed. She has to spend the night at the vet =(!!!!! =(!!!!! But Chris picks her up at 10 am tomorrow. I'll have pictures!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Weight Loss?

Yeah...about that. I'm still plugging away at it. I decided I should do some time of blogging about it, just to keep me accountable. But I do not want to clutter my normal blog with it so here it is

doubt it'll be too interesting, just food obsessed stories. Bwahaha.

Oh BTW...

Pictures of Chris in his snuggie soon to come!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The day of Looooooove!

Happy Valentine's Day! Chris and I have had a lazy day-the best kind to have! He went and got breakfast (a fruit bowl, my fave!) I also got a cute card and some chocolate, Lilly got a new toy, which she loves loves loves!

I got Chris a card and am making him dinner. I also a while back purchased him and Zach those snuggies you see on TV. Pictures to come when I get the program up on my comp.

Anyway, I have discovered that the channel WEtv does all the bridezilla shows and fairy tale weddings, blah blah blah. Chris likes to watch them-especially bridezilla. He says it makes me look like an angel! =). Who could say differently anyway!

So b/c all of this wedding show excitement I have started back up on the wedding planning stuff after taking a few weeks off not to think about it. I have most of our wedding website info up. Take a gander!