Christopher and I took an evening trip to Cannon Beach to see Brandon and Chels. Along the way Chris decided that he needed to stop and get something to drink (not worrying whether or not I was dying of thirst...interesting). We stopped at this ditch in the road market and there was this crazy Asian guy yelling on the phone, more than likely he was just talking, but Asians yell when they talk. Inside I found a hidden treasure...Fun Dip. Now I remember going to the store when I was little and getting them and I haven't seen them in FOREVER, very exciting.
At the hotel Brandon and Chels were staying at, there was this statue that we were told to locate the hotel by, Brandon claimed it to be a pirate, the people at the hotel agreed with Christopher and I, it's a captain of a boat....
We saw lots of sea creatures....Chels and I went exploring...not with our boyfriends...what's wrong with that picture hm?
And he thinks that saying, "I love you" and kissing me makes it better...hrm....
Chels and Brandon with the ROCK
The boys made a simple fire (hehe). It was going great until: Chris and Brandon felt the need to be macho and break large and wet logs to put on the fire...incase you were unaware of this, water and fire together do not make a larger fire.
Brandon and Chris were joking about taking a romantic walk on the beach. It actually happened. Neither Chris nor Brandon took a walk with us girls. Lame.
The sun set and we had tons of s'mores and oooie gooie goodness:) Chris and I drove home at about midnight. He kept falling asleep so I took over. Believe it or not he still tries to tell me how to drive while he's sleepy:)
1 comment:
I LOVE YOUR BLOG. excellent color scheme. Well done, well done!
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