I voted since we were fishing, we needed snacks, what do I choose?
All smiles when we started out..
By the time we got back home and had gone to the store we noticed a slight infestaion of WASPS at chris' house! Luckily Home Depot is just down the road so we went for some killing supplies. I voted that Chris do the killing-reason being, I'd end up missing and being stung by lots!
That night we went to Chris' game to Eugene, church in the morning then I went to meet Kristi's parents! Meet Brenda and Dennis
This photo is of Kristi and some crazy retired professor from OSU...it's kind of like being photographed with Big Foot...not likely to happen, but we made it happen!
This is his CRAZY car!
We pretended to be flowers...
This sign is at the beginning of Kristi's road, I think it's pretty freakin' awesome!
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