As of September 27th, I am officailly engaged to Christopher Ropp! Finally ;)! We went and got pumpkin seed from the cannery (see previous blog,) then we went home at like 8 and he sat me on his bed and whispered it in my ear, I started laughing b/c I have sensitve neck and it tickled so I didn't hear him =(. He pulled away and with a very sour face said, "did you hear me?" I said no, and then he asked me if I'd marry him. I said yes of course, I've been saying yes for the past 3 years!!
We have the date set for November 7, 2009. 13 months away! I can't wait =). Lilly is very happy that her mommy and daddy are going to be married and she'll be a real-2 parent child!
Kristi and Travis made us an awesome engagement cake!

It's a ring get it?

13 months!! So far, but it will FLY!! I can't wait to see your rock!!
Yeah I am so so so excited for you guys, congratulations
yay!! you look extra beautiful with that ring!! ;)
OH WOW- i love that cake! sooo cool! good job kristi! (and good job chris for proposing!)
Um... Kristi was not the only one who made the cake, lets not forget her amazing assitant, travis!
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