Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Car!

Well the time came. I could have probably put a few hundred more into my old car, but I was advised to listen to my husband (husband to be really) and he said that it was proably a better idea to get a newer car. After searching through Albany dealerships (and there is quite a few) we ended up at Hertz and I got a 2006 Chevy Aveo.

I'm excited, a little nervous, it's a big bill to pay, but I can do it. I hope lol.



Anonymous said...

I just love it!! I'm so proud of you and Chris for biting the bullet. You will be just find. Your first baby step. You will feel more comfortable with your next big purchase. Just remember to pay off one purchase before another new one. Love and Kisses, Mom

Patty Stephens said...

Lucky bitch!! :) Your car is SUPER SUPER cute. We may have matching ones some day.

Brianna said...

your car is absolutely adorable! good for you!

Kate & Matt Heihn said...

I love it, Congratulations!!! A new car is so exciting. Now that you have a fancy new job you needed a fancy new car to go with it!

Anonymous said...

Ashley, that car just looks like an "Ashley car!" Very cute! Enjoy it!

Jessica said...

I like your car!