Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comb on over...comb on over baby!

AH HA! I am able to load my pictures finally! Woot.

Since Christopher's hair is growing out, he discovered that it's at a great length for a comb over. I personally think he looks either like a nerdy 5 year old, or a creepy old man.


Wow! What a hottie!!

Also to be mentioned.....

Chris for Valentine's Day got a on the commercial. He modeled it for me.

Lilly approved...

In other news:

Today Lilly had her surgeries =(. She had a vertebra in her tail removed b/c it's been pressing into her bum since she was born =( so now it won't be irrated. Also she was fixed. She has to spend the night at the vet =(!!!!! =(!!!!! But Chris picks her up at 10 am tomorrow. I'll have pictures!


Michelle & Luke said...

nice snuggie. he looks like he is wearing a muu muu

Patty Stephens said...

I want a snuggie!!! I love the comb over!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you sure did get a great catch! love, mom

Brianna said...

poor lilly!