Thursday, June 11, 2009

My little Honney Bee

My beautiful little niece is SO special to me. I fall more in love with her everytime I see her. Grandpa is trying to take over the shining favorite spot, but clearly, she loves me.

She is working on her modeling faces, this is her, "I'm serious" face.

She also loves her daddy a whole lot!

This is her hiding a double chin =)

She wasn't ready for this one

This is her "whatever" look

Outfit change

"Mom I am gassy and you're putting pressure on my belly!"

I've dubbed her my little Honney Bee. Not Honey, Honney Like Johonna =). She might be the thing I love most about life right now!


Michelle & Luke said...

YAY! she loves you soooo much. I love this post. this is my fave blog ever ;)

Alicia said...

Ah, how sweet! What a cutie!! Just wait until you have your own! You'll never be the same again!

Kate said...

Ah, Ashley, I love this post! What a great aunt!!!