So here's my thought from a couple of days ago. My family often says, "I can't imagine him saying something like that." Usually mushy or corny. So while I'm open about my life, he's very secretive about it. I thought I'd share a few reasons of why I love the guy so much! (no particular order.)
1. He's tough.
Although this picture doesn't scream "tough" it's the best I have right now. When Chris and I first met, I have to admit part of the attraction was that he was a "blue-collar" worker. He goes to work every day and gets dirty, he lifts heavy things, drives big machinery, and yes folks-I do think his tractor is sexy =). I value the fact he plays sports and hunts and fishes. He's rough around the edges, and I love it. He's not always spic and span clean, most of the time his hands are pretty dirty, and he usually stinks by the end of the day, but I'm completely in love with it. He works his tail off, and has for the most part, given up his 4 hour lunches! He burned his hands with a HOT piece of metal while making me a sign of my name, and managed to burn his eyes with a welder-he's too tough for safety gear apparently! All jokes aside, I like that he's tough, he'll protect me until he's no longer able too and I have never felt safer in someone's arms.
2. He's a nerd.
The very first time I came down to Christopher's house, he came up to Wilsonville to get me while his best friend and roommate stayed home and cleaned the house. I had NO clue. I remember walking in and shocked that two guys could possibly live in a house that clean, and the fact that his computer was turned off was shocking, because he always was online and ready to chat when we first met.
This guy is: Messy, Nerdy, and More Messy and More Nerdy!
Christopher LOVES all things computer and video game related. He hid it well for months, I had no clue he was an online gamer and loved his xbox so much. But above all else, I had no clue about his love for Star Trek. Some how he kept hidden this little secret of Star Trek. What exactly do I mean by that? Well over 20,000 Star Trek game cards and trading cards is what I mean. It was one deep dark secret that was creatively hidden from me for a long time.
He also games online ALL the time. His game of choice? World of Warcraft. AKA WOW. Google it. It's too much to explain =)
But as much as I hate all things nerdy, (I once said no to a date with a guy b/c he played ironic now I am marrying a WOWer!) I really love all the nerdy qualities Chris possesses. There is something so silly about receiving a text message in the middle of the day about the Star Trek episode he's seen for the 20th time (literally) or the cool new level he just reached in WOW. Now I admit, I have my nerdy qualities, all which have been pulled out of my nerdy hidden closet since meeting him.
I value that he doesn't hide it from me, and truth be told, I'd much rather he be sitting at home watching Star Trek than hanging out at a bar!
3. He knows A LOT about A LOT.
(This is the "comb over" smart look)
Something I love when talking to my dad-he's knows a majority of the answers to my questions. If he doesn't he is a good liar =). Christopher is the same way! I love that we can be driving and I'll ask him what something on the side of the road is and he'll talk about it for the next hour. Like my dad, if he doesn't know the answer, he's a good liar!
He LOVES history and astronomy. It's something that baffles us all. RANDOM. He teaches me a lot about both. He also knows a lot about farming, mainly regurgitated information from his dad or grandpa, be he still knows it! I love when he calls me up and tells me about a part of a tractor that broke, I don't know what in the world he's talking about, but he lets me pretend that I do.
Let it be said now though, I will never admit he's usually right, b/c he's not =)
4. He's PATIENT.
I like to have fun. Most of my crazy ideas stem from a Patty idea. But lucky for me Chris puts up with it. He lets me have fun, and he plays a long. There isn't anything better than going to a themed party and having him agree to wear a snow-man sweater with bells on it. Really?
I love him for the fact he is patient with me. He lets me act goofy and silly, and usually doesn't complain much. He always plays along, and usually not with much begging! I think he secretly likes his snow man sweater!
He hasn't always been patient, but in the last year it's been amazing what he's willing to show me. I like to learn, and he's now learning to like to teach. I love learning about things around the farm and his patience is settling and he's showing me things around here. I wouldn't trade him for anything!
5. He loves ME for ME.

He's seen the bad, the worse, and the frightening side of me. He's seen me at 210lbs, and he's seen me at 150lbs. He's seen me sobbing so hard I'm snorting and can't breath and he's seen me laugh so hard I've almost peed my pants. He's seen me praise the blessing God's given me and he's seen me curse the hiccups in life. He's been with me through marriages and break-ups, he's been with me through marriages and deaths. He knows what I have to offer, and it's more than enough for him. He knows that I'm going to love him passionately, even if it involves me and my drama fits. I've put everything I have on a platter for him, and he's decided to take it for the rest of his life. He chose me. He picked me. He loves me.
He's NEVER said anything out of anger to me to make me feel less than worthy. He's NEVER let me walk out of his life. He's NEVER regretted what he's said to me. He's a man of his word and follows through with his promises. He's seen me at my worst and best moments and he still hasn't headed for the hills.
He's patient, loving, caring, nerdy, serious, passive, aggressive, competitive, God-loving, Bulldog obsessive, happy with what he has, family oriented, and he's mine.
I've had God showing up in creative ways in my life lately. Maybe this unannounced spur of crazy love is God showing me how blessed I truly am. I am going to marry my best friend and I can't wait. The odds are against us, but he's my other half, we'll be like a couple old geese, someone will have to shoot us to seperate us (okay, that was super HICK). I know for sure when I say my vows to him, come hell or high water...I'm going to stick by his side and I wouldn't want it any other way.
You brought tears to my eyes. We are so, so blessed that you found each other. We love him too and not because of his duck lake :) Every parent wants this for their kids. God has blessed us three times with our sons and daughter inlaws. Dad and I can rest easy knowing you have each other! We love you so much. mom
Ah, Ash!!!! This is so sweet. I am so happy for you guys and can't wait for you to get married :)
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little! ;) But only because to me he will always be 8 years old, playing with legos for hours, wearing jeans that are both too tight and too short, calling me "alicia my love", and puking all over the family room carpet during a game of charades!
Other than that, that was a very sweet post! :) We cant wait to have you join the family!!!
oh ash, this is the best blog ever ever ever. i love you guys both. and this makes me like christopher even more, even though I knew he was a trekkie wower bull dog lover tractor driving hick. But he is YOUR hick, and therefore lovable ;) but fyi, he did NOT wear the snow man sweater to dinner- remember??? hmph.
Love, love, love this post. Print it out and keep it someplace safe. And someday, sometime down the road if you ever find yourself angry at him, or feeling the insecurity of the natural ebb and flow of all relationships...pull it out, re-read and remember all the wonderful reasons you married him. My love to you both!
This is so sweet! I am so happy for you both!
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This is so sweet and touching. I am so happy for you guys and I hope both of you will understand each others strength and weakness.
God Bless you Both!
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