For as long as I remember, Mom and Dad have been garage and estate sale fools! Now I don't know that any of kids
actually enjoyed this found hobby, but nonetheless; I think we all tagged along to our fair share.
I also remember ALWAYS watching Antique Road Show with mom and dad, most nights it was a good excuse to sit in front of the tv while "doing" my homework, mainly I interpreted dad's listening with random questions. I also made sure to scope out the room, wondering how much any of the "junk" they own is worth anything =D.
All of us kids are well aware of the importance of Roseville pottery in the Stephens' household. Even the new comer (Chris) is aware of this. He called me Friday and let me know that there is an estate sale with Roseville pieces! I let dad know, and I was on a mission the next day to find it!
The ad for the estate sale listed no start time, so I decided we'd go at 9. As we were walking up, people were already leaving with boxes =(. Knowing that Roseville is a hot item, my balloon was deflated.
We looked around, nothing by the vases, I looked to see if any of the platters were sterling silver; no dice. We found some salt and pepper shakers we liked, and a picture that would serve as the, "sorry dad, no Roseville" back up gift. As I turned around there it was on the dinner table. Three beautiful pieces! Blood was pumping and I grabbed it toward me just in case anyone else was looking at it and I sent Chris to the ATM to get cash out for our goods!

All three pieces were in fabulous condition and well used. I felt so proud! What a rush.
I guess you can say shopping for good deals at garage and estate sales is in my blood! I can't wait until the next chance to go!
And for the record, I think this put me up a notch in the favorite child list, still not as good as a grandchild, but the next best thing, yeah?