Brianna, my beautiful cousin is getting married April 17th! The 17th is a good number on multiple sides of the family woot woot! Sad news is I am not good at taking pictures when I get to talking. Boo so here's what I got!
Sara often to be our fashion bride =)
Blushing Bride!
The beautiful cake!!!!
Congrats to you Brianna, you will make the most beautiful bride and I couldn't be happier for you. Ken is such a lucky guy, and you're such a lucky gal! I can't wait for this shin-dig!!!!
Hehe! I'm pretty lucky too! Story about the cake: So, I took the left-over bottom tier of the cake back to Seattle with me in an attempt to pawn it off on my co-workers. Somewhat of a success! Despite the frosting becoming less than beautiful driving with me, it's mostly eaten. Although there's a couple slices STILL on the table in the staff lunch room. I should probably take care of that...ewww, right?
BTW--- Looks like you had an awesome time in Las Vegas. Yippee! Hope you're enjoying marital bliss. :)
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