Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kitchen is DONE!

Well like 98.5%. The floor molding needs to be added, we may add some red trim around the cabinets and the blinds for the window need to go up. All small things. Otherwise, my beautiful kitchen is DONE! Thank you so much to Chris' family! I AM SO BLESSED AND SOOOOO HAPPY!!!! I love love love it.

Everything has a place, we even have some empty drawers and cupboards..imgaine that! I'm sure they'll be filled soon!!

My two favorite things? My cookie sheet cupboard and the fact I have room for all my Tupperware! And the counters and floors and the cabinets and it's all wonderful=) Here are the pictures!

In case you forgot from my last blog, here's the before!

Here is the after!

Byron and Chris did a fabulous job on the floors!

Everything has a place! My life feels so much more in order. Now to clean up the dinning room where everything has been stored and the bedroom!

Next project? Bathrooms. It'll be awhile. I need a break =)