[A Change Would Do You Good]
would do you good,
[A Change Would Do You Good]
I think a change,
[A Change Would Do You Good]
would do you good.
[A Change Would Do You Good]
If I gave Chris two options like cleaning the whole house, and changing the oil in my car, I think he'd take the house cleaning. Normally when I ask him to change my oil there is quite the argument involved. I think it's his manly duty to save me money and change my oil and not let the jerks at jiffy lube take advantage of my girlyness. He believes this is not a manly duty.
So, I win, Buddy and I went and got the stuff, and changed my oil! It took all of 10 minutes. Woot!
Here is my happy that I don't have to complain anymore
Ladies and Gents, meet the inside of my car
You expect me to go down there?
The bottom of my car.
My car Peeing
Now I'm not a car expert. Clearly. But I my car was only a little past due for an oil change, so not bad at all...but I know my oil is NOT supposed to look like this. Yuck
All in all I'm very happy my car is healthy again.
he just doesn't want you to fall in love with a jiffy lube guy and leave him. Also your car was gross!
i acutually have no idea what oil should and should not look like so i am just going to assume you did a great job!
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