Sunday, December 21, 2008

Crazy weather = no work!?!?

I was supposed to start my new job tomorrow, Monday. The boss just called and I guess they're closing all the offices downtown, so I'm planning to start Tuesday instead!! I guess the weather in Salem is terrible, freezing rain. In Albany-rain. Only rain, not even snow or ice, nothing!!!

Chris said I should take a picture. I say I'm too lazy.

The only bummer is that it's another day unpaid, but the good news is, it's like a mini vacation, I've never had a break when changing jobs, so I'm liking this!

1 comment:

Patty Stephens said...

No snow in Stayton either. Just rain. I think my work is closing too. Waiting for a call from the boss. We went into Salem yesterday there was at least 2 inches of ice on the streets! Yikes!!